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Add a package to your cart

This form allows you to add a package to your cart. It will create a cart if one does not exist. This will add all of the package’s included items to the cart.

If any of the items are sold out or the quanity of items being added is greater than the quantity available, the entire package will not be added to the cart.

Form fields

Field name Description
package[id] The ID of the package to add to the cart.
package[quantity] The number of the packages to add to the cart at once.
package[start_date] The customers selected start date for the package. (Only required if packages.requires_date is true)
package[start_time] The customers selected start time for the package. (optional)
package[adult_count] The number of adults for the package. (Only available for flexible adult count packages)
package[items][][id] The ID of the package item for which to add modifiers.
package[items][][modifier_ids][] The ID of the modifier to add to the cart.
{% form 'add_package_to_cart' %}
  <input name="package[id]" value="1" type="hidden" />
  <input name="package[quantity]" min="1" value="1" type="number" />
  <input name="package[start_date]" type="date" />
  <input name="package[start_time]" type="time" />
  <input name="package[adult_count]" type="number" />
  <input type="submit" value="Add">
{% endform %}


Creators may choose to provide customers with additional modification options, such as the choice of a twin room or double room, or an entry time slot. Each modification should be included as an additional input on the add_package_to_cart form.

{% form 'add_package_to_cart' %}
  <input name="package[id]" value="1" type="hidden" />
  <input name="package[quantity]" min="1" value="1" type="number" />

  <h3>Package name</h3>
  {% for item in package.items %}
    <input type="hidden" name="package[items][][id]" value="{{}}" />
    {% for group in item.variant.pre_checkout_modifier_groups %}
      <h4>{{}} - {{}}</h4>

      {% for modifier in group.modifiers %}
        <label for="{{}}">{{}}</label>
        <input type="checkbox" id="{{}}" name="package[items][][modifier_ids][]" value="{{}}" />
      {% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}
  {% endfor %}

  <input type="submit" value="Add">
{% endform %}

If a modification selection is required on a package item’s variant and one is not specified on the form the entire package will not be added to the customer’s cart.