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Custom data

The custom data the creator has chosen to be visible for this cart aka booking. Each custom data is its own array of 2 strings, the display name of the custom field & the value assigned to it. If the custom field is a checkbox, we only return the data when the checkbox is checked, with the value ‘Yes’. If a Creator wants to display e.g. ‘Includes a drink: true/false’, they should use a multi-select data type with the options ‘true’ and ‘false’.

{% for custom_data in cart.custom_data %}
  <p>{{ custom_data[0] }}: {{ custom_data[1] }}</p>
{% endfor %}
  <p>Assigned tour guide: Ellie</p>
  <p>Where to meet: October 10 2025, 12:15pm (local time) outside the Opera House.</p>