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Variant Pricing

The variant_pricing tag renders a self-updating <span> which can interactively fetch and display up-to-date pricing information for a given variant, provided an adult count/start date/end date combination.

You can use this tag to display up-to-date prices of each variant you’re rendering on the page, responding to user interactions with the calendar and adult count for each displayed variant.

The tag is package-aware; if you use it in a package step template, it will display how much upgrading to that variant will cost, or Included if it is part of the package price.

{% variant_pricing variant: variant, class: "my-nice-class", adult_count: 2, start_on: "2023-01-01", end_on: "2023-01-04" %}

The <span> tag will initially be rendered empty:

<span class="my-nice-class"

If rendering in the context of a package booking template, the package step ID is included:

<span class="my-nice-class"
  data-variant-pricing-package-step-id-value="<step id>">

Tag parameters

Parameter Description Required
variant The variant to display the price for Yes
class The value of the span’s class attribute (for styling and targeting in scripts) Yes
adult_count Number of guests to consider in price calculation Yes
start_on Check-in date to consider in price calculation If rendering for an Accommodation Variant
end_on Check-in date to consider in price calculation If rendering for an Accommodation Variant

Bootstrapping and fetching new prices

The platform provides a Javascript component which automates the triggering of the appropriate server requests for pricing information, interpolating the result into the <span>’s inner HTML.

The component will request up-to-date pricing info when the following data attributes on the <span> are programatically updated:

Attribute Description Expected values
data-variant-pricing-adult-count-value Adult count chosen by the user Integer > 0
data-variant-pricing-start-on-value Check-in date chosen by the user Date string in ISO format YYYY-MM-DD
data-variant-pricing-end-on-value Check-out date chosen by the user Date string in ISO format YYYY-MM-DD

Important: this tag is initially rendered empty. If you need it to have contents when the page is rendered, you must manually trigger a request by updating the data attributes with default values.

We recommend listening to user-driven changes on the page, and have the event handlers:

  • Target the <span> tags by their class
  • Assign the chosen values to their data-attributes

To “bootstrap” the contents on initial page load, you might hook onto the DOMContentLoaded event like so:

function bootstrapVariantPricingTags() {
  const defaultStartOn = "2023-01-01"
  const defaultEndOn = "2023-01-04"
  const defaultAdultCount = "4"

  const variantPricingTag = document.querySelector(".my-nice-class")
  variantPricingTag.dataset.variantPricingAdultCountValue = defaultAdultCount
  variantPricingTag.dataset.variantPricingStartOnValue = defaultStartOn
  variantPricingTag.dataset.variantPricingEndOnValue = defaultEndOn

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', bootstrapVariantPricingTags)

And to respond to changes to the selected adult count and check-in/out dates you might hook onto the relevant elements’ events:

document.querySelector(".adult-count-dropdown").addEventListener("change", (e) => {
  const variantPricingTag = document.querySelector(".my-nice-class")

  variantPricingTag.dataset.variantPricingAdultCountValue =

document.querySelector(".start-on-calendar").addEventListener("change", (e) => {
  const variantPricingTag = document.querySelector(".my-nice-class")

  variantPricingTag.dataset.variantPricingStartOnValue =

document.querySelector(".end-on-calendar").addEventListener("change", (e) => {
  const variantPricingTag = document.querySelector(".my-nice-class")

  variantPricingTag.dataset.variantPricingEndOnValue =